Choose Organic Cotton!

The Perils of Conventional Cotton Cotton seems like such an innocent material. As “the fabric of our lives” the cotton industry led me to believe it was good for the environment and for my family.  When I saw something was 100% cotton, I felt good purchasing it.  That...

Parabens in my child’s toothpaste!

Should I be worried? On my way home there was a physician speaking about environmental health and the topic of potential dangers of parabens arose, in my Time Magazine there was a blurb about the fact that Denmark banned parabens in products for children under 3, and...

Bikram, Baby!

Pregnancy and Bikram Yoga As an obstetrician-gynecologist whose primary mode of exercise and personal well-being has become Bikram yoga, I wondered what was out there in terms of research on Bikram yoga and pregnancy.  There has been so few pregnant women attending...